Drive Your Competitive Advantage

Presently, there are important challenges facing automotive & industrial part manufacturers. For starters, geopolitical disruptions and economic volatility have made it challenging to accurately forecast future OEM orders. Additionally, predicting the delivery of raw material supplies needed to make your products– receiving the right quantity at the contracted price- has proven to be rather elusive lately. This is especially true when we consider the availability of microchips. The Semiconductor demand cycle shifted during Covid-19 into consumer electronics, compromising capacity once sales normalized.

Vizen’s causal forecasting software increases forward planning accuracy by aligning your historical data to external economic signals that affect your results. Thus, generating better cost saving decisions that apply visibility into when to source, make and sell to your clients -avoiding unnecessary shortages, lead-time delays and supplier price spikes. Causal forecasting improves outcomes by synchronizing the outputs of demand on production and in the sourcing of raw materials.

Causal-AI Forecasting

Causal Forecasting
Auto Factory

Gain the Advantage

 “We need proactive IT systems to better predict demand, I don’t think a standard ERP system is enough, especially for individual companies which don’t have the scale to develop such systems in-house.” – Automotive Supplier Executive

  • Drive revenue enablement
  • Optimize inventory levels
  • Prevent expedite fees
  • Lower holding costs
  • Increase cash flow

Autonomous SaaS

Know your forecast at a single click. Understand how supplier delays affect your inventory management. Apply external market factors that impact product demand via our advanced predictive analytics that automates supply chain analysis. Vizen offers seamless integration into your existing ERP systems in addition to our on-line software as a service subscription-based solution. We help your S&OP teams save valuable time by reducing efforts spent on endless spread sheet analysis. Shifting their focus towards strategy includes growing customer relationships and increasing service levels.


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