Maximize Supplier Procurement and Fulfillment

Vizen’s Supplier Sourcing as a Service analyzes your existing contracted suppliers of raw materials. Our automated platform evaluates historical delivery patterns and incorporates external market factors that impact on-time delivery. Including supplier labor shortages and production delays. Our predictive software factors in near real-time contracted shipping delays for long haul, overseas freight shipments. Ultimately, we provide you with up to a 90% confidence level of when to procure from your supplier and when it will arrive at your facility. Effectively reducing excess buffer safety stock inventory levels required to fulfill production and demand over time.

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Causal Factors Affect Results

Fluctuations and volatility impact customer fulfillment that traditional supply chain software fails to address


Supplier Lead-Time Inventory Problem

Material Sourcing

Knowing with confidence when your supplier materials will be delivered holds the key to staying on schedule to meet your customer demand. This leads to the need to maintain a costly extra buffer safety stock to ensure fulfillment. Vizen offers a subscription-based SaaS solution that analyzes your historical lead time data patterns and applies tailored causal-market intelligence to your forecast including known vendor shortages, production delays and freight transit disruptions. We continuously update each vendor’s projected lead-time intervals with accurate re-order dates.

Supplier Sourcing as a Service

Predict lead times / when to procure

Supplier Sourcing Solution

Vizen’s causal forecast software optimizes planning accuracy by aligning your historical data to external economic signals that affect your results. Thus, generating better cost saving decisions that apply visibility into when to source, make and sell to your clients -avoiding unnecessary shortages, lead-time delays and supplier price spikes. Causal forecasting improves outcomes by synchronizing the outputs of demand on production with high confidence of supplier fulfillment.

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We guaranteed 20+ percent forecast improvement